Slow Turtles Fancy Shawl 86.7187%

FAHR No: 1110


Buckskin: white with spots over back and hips/star and stripe/LH-partial half stocking/parentage verified DNA typed//6-panel N/N
ApHC No: 693190
Sex: Mare
Foal Date: 04/06/2022
Foal State: Alabama
Breeder Owner
Name: Jamie De hart Name: Jamie De Hart
City: Obrien City: Obrien
State: Florida State: Florida
Sire Dam
Name: Indignant Classic 85.9375% Name: RA Peppers Misty 87.5%
FAHR No: 1095 FAHR No: 819
ApHC No: 602033 ApHC No: 636615