Terrel's Leah 68.75%

FAHR No: 169


Red roan/white with spots over entire body/star/LF-no leg markings/LH-no leg markings
ApHC No: 408772
Sex: Mare
Foal Date: 04/15/1984
Foal State: Indiana
Breeder Owner
Name: Robert J. Terrell and Marcia Name: Gary L. Combs and Judy Combs
City: Mooresville City: Laurel
State: Indiana State: Indiana
Sire Dam
Name: Pay Days Niki Bar 62.5% Name: Plaudit's Skip-A-Mile 75%
FAHR No: 0 FAHR No: 0
ApHC No: 267203 ApHC No: 158830