CTA Elfrida Fire 85.6445%

FAHR No: 1045


Bay: White with spots over back and hips/no face markings/LH-inside heel/roan over entire body
ApHC No: 678387
Sex: Mare
Foal Date: 06/03/2014
Foal State: Indiana
Breeder Owner
Name: Kristina or Xen H Anderson Name: Kristina or Xen H Anderson
City: Corunna City: Corunna
State: Indiana State: Indiana
Sire Dam
Name: Miamis Topatchy Sun 87.5% Name: CTA Moriya 83.7890%
FAHR No: 188 FAHR No: 741
ApHC No: 577700 ApHC No: N631361