Eastowest Elena 78.125%

FAHR No: 694


Blue Roan/White over body and hips/star, strip and snip/LF-partial stocking/LH-partial stocking/RF-partial stocking/RH-partial stocking/few black spots
ApHC No: 601532
Sex: Mare
Foal Date: 08/13/2000
Foal State: Michigan
Breeder Owner
Name: Laura Beth Lyon Name: Anna McNally
City: Howell City: Chillicothe
State: Michigan State: Missouri
Sire Dam
Name: PVSTHUNDERSMEMORY 81.25% Name: Ulrich Esperanza 75%
FAHR No: 265 FAHR No: 262
ApHC No: 413886 ApHC No: 465133