The Princeoftides 87.5%

FAHR No: 378


Dun: White over entire body/star-stripe-snip/LF-no leg markings/LH-no leg markings/RF-no leg markings/RH-no leg markings.
ApHC No: 508904
Sex: Stallion
Foal Date: 03/19/1992
Foal State: New York
Breeder Owner
Name: John M. Cummings or Mary E. Cummings Name: Dave Crowell and Lynn Crowell
City: Johnson City City: Avon
State: New York State: Illinois
Sire Dam
Name: Prince Shannon 75% Name: Nava-JetÕs Rain 100%
FAHR No: 0 FAHR No: 0
ApHC No: T209817 ApHC No: 305492