AAA Sky High Rakush 68.75% ?

FAHR No: 712


Bay Roan/Blanket with spots over entire body and hips/spots over face/spots and splashes all four legs
ApHC No:
Sex: Stallion
Foal Date: 04/23/2002
Foal State: Unkown
Breeder Owner
Name: Dorothy Rees Name: David Duncan
City: Drayton Valley Alberta City: Vilna Alberta
State: Unkown State: Unkown
Sire Dam
Name: AAA Sky High Ulrich 68.75% ? Name: AAA One Kitten 68.75%
FAHR No: 0 FAHR No: 0
ApHC No: ApHCC39951 ApHC No: ApHCC39468