Hand Me Chili 71.875%

FAHR No: 766


Chestnut/blanket with spots over body & hips/star, stripe & snip/LH-sock with splashes/RF-lightning marks/LH-spots and splashes/RH-half stocking with splashes/white tipped ears
ApHC No:
Sex: Mare
Foal Date: 06/08/1996
Foal State: Unkown
Breeder Owner
Name: Shirley Ann Siba Name: George D. Galambos
City: Alvena SK City: St. Benedict SK
State: Unkown State: Unkown
Sire Dam
Name: Mighty Hunter 100% Name: Courtland Handmedown 43.75%
FAHR No: 0 FAHR No: 0
ApHC No: ApHCC 8274 ApHC No: ApHCC 23597