WAR Sundance Kid 99.2166%

FAHR No: 854


Bay roan/White with spots over entire body/star and snip/snip on lower lip/no leg markings.
ApHC No: 650499
Sex: Gelding
Foal Date: 05/27/2007
Foal State: Wyoming
Breeder Owner
Name: Irina Weese or Raymond C. Weese Name: Alain Le Lagadec
City: Greybull City: La Roche Maurice
State: Wyoming State: Unkown
Sire Dam
Name: Revel Soquili 100% Name: MIA Toby Droste Kid 98.4375%
FAHR No: 0 FAHR No: 0
ApHC No: 582858 ApHC No: N624837