Honey Roo Bea G 71.875%

FAHR No: 499


Bay Roan: White wwith spots over entire body/star stripe and snip/LF-ankle/FH-partial half stocking/RF-partial ankle/RH-partial half stocking
ApHC No: 606680
Sex: Mare
Foal Date: 09/07/2001
Foal State: Indiana
Breeder Owner
Name: Craig T. Wells and Teresa L. Wells Name: Craig T. Wells and Teresa L. Wells
City: Wolcottville City: Wolcottville
State: Indiana State: Indiana
Sire Dam
Name: Miamis Leopard Bear 87.5% Name: Honeyrooz G 56.25%
FAHR No: 113 FAHR No: 0
ApHC No: 564617 ApHC No: 387690